Thursday, December 31, 2015


Imagine, they put him in a God like position that even when he wants to deal with  something bad or degrading he had did or does to my character, he makes some balance that with degrading themselves while  he stays in his high and above position.    

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I made the guy that offer, after all what he did, in front of everybody trying to show who would still continue to support him escaping the consequences of taking the arrogant careless path  he chose. It turned out that they break the scale of shamelessness for him and move on without even noticing. With their way of holding the guy above being responsible, their support is almost like calling on the other side to join them in worshiping a new God.  

Friday, December 18, 2015


I have recently noticed how hard it is to find where the expression "fighting for the soul" of something can fit more than the situation here. The soul of this country was robbed and its body lays under some of the highest mountains of waste on the earth with the level of corruption out there. From democracy to basic real existence, this country is nothing more than a joke and a toy to the corruption forces and their psychotic desires.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


In general, I am not willing to take as external, and therefore real, what is internal to this guy's game.


Of course for each his own choices. But I am not inclined to take more than what is as little as possible in making this guy take credit for achievements inside with his lead and control, using things done for the sake of others with him. No, he took everybody and made them come through him isolating me from their representations for themselves in the matter.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


5/6 of the first offer I made the guy was based on an amount he seemed to be showing himself to those on the other side as being ready to settle for before the decision on my petition and what followed later. If it were me in the position of those on the other side, I would have taken the guy on that claim and opened my own communication path to the other side before letting him add one mess after another.

[(added 12/18/15) 5/6 of the first offer I made the guy was based on an amount he seemed to be publicly showing himself ..]

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Before deciding on the path of playing such games, I wonder, who in his right mind would have depended on this corruption guy to be the one, and only one, in the middle communicating a solution that should have brought the two sides together here, if an alternative was possible,?
Notice how the corruption guy here successfully isolated me and prevented the connection of the minds of the two parties, directly or through an intermediary, even for one second without his knowledge. That is how psychos take control of the world.       


It is not even like that I barely hold myself from seeing other events of the kind as fake then cross that line here. On the contrary, even with an event like that of the prevention of the attack in a train in France , which is relatively much easier to be fabricated, I never feel anything calling on me to see it as fake. On the other hand, with the two events I mentioned below, and other fabricated domestic attacks here, I never feel any calling on me to see them as real.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Before they attempt to play the game of what is real and what is fake on me here, had they yet at least realized the correct answer to this question with regard to the trial related to the case of the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida? 

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Let us state this clearly. The government with its partners fabricated the alleged attack in San Bernardino California and the one in Chattanooga Tennessee several months before. Aside from others, the guy in the white house and his FBI director  are themselves part of the game. 
It seems like the corruption guy started by himself fabricating stories like breach of data security at this or that company with the role of the government and its FBI being just toleration, at most. They then completely joined him in the alleged hacking of Sony and moved from there to the level described above. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I did not catch the thing from the beginning but it sounded like they brought that FBI director to testify about that alleged attack in California. Too bad! Now I doubt the existence of California.


Again regarding the guy in the post below, although I may like to play along and talk to a ventriloquist's dummy, that does not necessarily mean I recognize its serious existence. He, made that statement about preventing some group from entering the country probably trying to show a reaction that would support the recent fabricated attack look real. But that intention was betrayed by how premature it sounded.      

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Somebody has been using that guy currently claimed to be topping the republican candidate list to say things counter to his own intelligence which could be one of those examples demonstrating the unfair taxing on the poor.