Thursday, February 25, 2016


Before talking about increasing taxes, why is it that there is no talk about honest scrutiny on how really guys like this are paying theirs? After all what this guy was able to pull, how much confidence remain in him paying his taxes like the ordinary person?
Why make one rich person pay 50 percent while the other may not be even paying 20 percent?
The suspicion extends to further than validly taking advantage of loopholes in the system. That is a problem with the tax code. No, I am thinking about violations of tax code that are allowed to pass because of corruption especially favoritism. How much of what this guy had done to me was some kind of artful manipulation of the law? Hardly any. Almost all of what he did were the kind of in your face things.      

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Although it hasn't been even two weeks since I talked in POST 30 about how this guy seems to have connection and can pull things in the IRS, yesterday I received a certified letter from that agency informing me that my installment agreement with them will be terminated and that the total amount is due immediately. The reason was supposedly that they "did not receive one or more payments from (me) as agreed to in (my) installment agreement".
I did not miss any payment. The only thing I did was that my usual payment on the 28th day of the month was late for January. I don't know when it was received but my bank record still lists it cashed on the 5th of February.
Moreover there was a reason for even this one time late (not missing) payment. I still have the envelop for the monthly payment stub letter showing a post mark date as late as the 25th of January for a payment expected to be received on the 28th. Actually it was the receiving of that letter after I used priority mail to catch the due date of the earlier payment (the stub time was as usual on  that one. It was just that I forgot to send it early enough for regular mail) is what suggested a game being played and made me write the post I mentioned above in anticipation of this.    


Thursday, February 11, 2016


continuing from POST # 31

And here is some refreshing for the memory for the stories I mentioned in POST # 26.

HERE is the story of the transfer request and the conspiracy with the brokerage firms. 

And HERE  is what I posted about the communication from the SEC part for the service of this guy in the VKNG story (LINK1, LINK2).

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


To the best of my judgment, this guy here, including his group, is a competitors or rival to Goldman Sachs. He may not like that entity because it is closer than him to the top of the food chain in the market. So one should be careful before allowing him to concentrate attention on that entity away from himself and hit two birds in one stone.
All the corrupt control and manipulation in the market, media, courts and the government I saw that made them like a joke came from him not Goldman Sachs.     

Saturday, February 6, 2016


continuing from post 34
I could have filed a hundred cases and in all of them the courts act like they did with my cases here and it still may not come anywhere close to make me mistake what could be the correct stand for me to take if I were someone who was thinking about investing with Madoff and knew that he had passed SEC investigation ounce or twice. That is because refusing to believe the results of what depends on checking such direct and basic stock trading things is probably as close as it could gets to refusing a direct witness.  

As you can see the thing seems to be extremely far from just not performing a good job and the SEC intentionally acting passively or actively in support of Madoff is very hard to avoid. However, it seems it was agreed that if he get caught then he is on his own and he had kept his word.
Although I read before that the courts dismisses cases suing the SEC on the Madoff's fraud, I haven't not yet found that any one of those cases was taken to the final point on that path and was denied.
Showing the SEC's failed investigation excuse because of alleged Madoff's manipulating behaviour was not the first time I see desperate attempts to find excuses for that agency even in movies. In the Wolf of Wall Street the fraud guy supposedly made SEC investigation on him fail because he turned the cooling in the room too high. Also as much as these defending claims for the SEC came from the scamming guys themselves as much as it adds support to having the SEC as a partner.   

Friday, February 5, 2016


I don't know why all this fight against admitting the corruption of the SEC. Yesterday I watched even the guy who pointed out Madoff's fraud try to limit his argument against that agency to being inept. He says that they are not intelligent enough to be corrupt. Why such a week and desperate looking defence?
First, corruption is far from being reserved to especially intelligent people. Second, even assuming so, the one here does not require more that turning the head away from seeing the facts. 
What kind of scheme did Madoff defraud people with? Was it something like fabricating sale numbers of a product so one would think that it requires more from the SEC to go and check?
No he was fabricating stock trades and positions. That is the core and the most basic of what the SEC should watch for. A scam of that kind at that magnitude and for that long was passed and despite how the guy here says that it takes five minutes to suspect or discover a scam by looking at the numbers. Moreover the guy himself also mentioned four or more times writing to that entity about the issue.
If that was not enough, and to blur the line between passive and active support even more, that entity supposedly investigated the scam once or twice and did not find anything wrong. Even if you had a big doubt , if you hear that it was investigated and nothing bad turned out you probably say I must be wrong then and invest your money there if you were already contemplating that. Imagine if you where to still suggest there could be a scam there what level of paranoia could have been ascribed to you. It is like the cops investigating whether a car was registered and fail to find that it was not despite having no tag number or, to take the analogy away from direct visual discovery, one that was entirely made up.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


I was lucky enough yesterday to get a signal to watch the first part of the Madoff's movie. I wonder how much the world laugh on us for claiming that the SEC did not know what was going on.
By the way, the New York SEC office which the guy making the fraud allegation against Madoff was referred to but was not met is also the office that this guy made to make that conference call with me trying to know if I was the guy who did the sudden big buying in the story of Viking System Stock I mentioned.  


At least that guy did not need to shoot anyone to push the people in Iowa away from voting for him.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


And you think this guy with his boss at least really pay his taxes or scrutinized for it like the ordinary person? I am far from being confident of that. If the corruption of the IRS is close to what we saw here or even a fraction of  the SEC's then there is not much to be surprised if the answer to that question was in the negative. But it is not only a matter of being part of the general environment. That is because I have been seeing things and accumulated signs suggesting having connection inside for years there. 
On a second thought, one may tell me are you serious? Even without that extreme shameful corruption that we watched being carried out publicly in the past year, the guy can make the post office man ignores the duty of the position and the whole federal government and select your papers to take to a Federal Appellate Court closed at 10:30 in the night in fulfillment of his overriding desire and you think you need to discuss this?