I know that I might have waited too long to tell you guys this while you add additional layer of lowering yourself on top of degrading the system following the whims of this psychotic.
Here is what you forgot to bring with you for the story of firing the FBI Director: A new constitution where it is at least less clear that the President, even a fake one, has no power to do that. You could have as well claimed that he fired one of the federal judges including those at the Supreme Court.
However, this misplaced thinking would have worked much better for that TV show, Revolution, if you recall that. I was about to laugh watching how in one scene in this country, which supposedly turned into a dictatorship, people were still referred to what law mention the forbidding of something when told that something is not allowed. I don't remember from the dictatorship in which I lived before here even thinking about any use for knowing what I was told to do or not to do by the government is required according to what law. It is all about who is giving you those orders.