Tuesday, August 20, 2019

245: Similar Story to This Death Allegation

This is the POST I mentioned earlier where I talked about seeing this kind of game before. The guy there was even too polite to burden the jail keepers with cleaning after him and apparently his good manners stopped just short of making him bury himself after committing suicide elsewhere. 
This story would have been probably enough to make me anticipate Epstein death allegation that followed later had I known earlier about what sounds like a building and preparation for this claim with that first suicide attempt claim, but I did not know about that and only knew that there is a case on such a guy a short while before this death claim (I hardly watch any news, trying to avoid participating with the hijacking of the world that is being done for our corruption guy here, even if it is just at the level of just watching).   

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

244: Epstein Death Allegation

Probability of corruption like this, passed on and tolerated publicly like this, is beyond imagination.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

243: "Autopsy Completed on Epstein"

Too bad cannibalism is not condoned so that one could have said "I ate him" and be closer toward preventing checking the truth.
Speaking , in the preceding post, about not changing my view, I do not feel even a bit less, now than I did before, that Zimmerman court in Florida was fake.
Back to this, as if how ridiculously the whole thing sounds like arranged and made are not enough to make one seek real verification, you read about the history of this guy and you wonder how much more and how bigger than this the red flags showing what this guy can pull with the government can be?  Actually, the bigger parts of the picture add up like the parts of this death allegation itself. After exhausting what can be shown to the outside about having  you pull things from the government in one character, it is time to start fresh again with a new one. 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

242: Faking The Death of Epstein?

I am not even in-between regarding alleging the death of this guy. I am considerably more on the side of seeing it as false claim, and would be surprised if the claimers really prove it to be true.  
And let me add this. No matter what is being or going to be put out there regarding this, unless I come back to correct myself on this issue it should not be taken even as a possibility that I changed my view. 
The thing could be looking much more believable than this and I would still have sought verification by eyes of a person I really trust and/or DNA analysis by a lab and a person I really trust, if I have the authority to do that. Otherwise, I would not think of myself as being even close to doing the job I am supposed to do and sufficiently caring about the country.
I repeat again that I am not motivated here by how much I want the guy to be punished but by the need to fight corruption especially when it reaches the level of in your eye under the sun corruption while it looks like everybody walks around like there is nothing there.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

241: Alleged Death of Epstein

Did a sufficiently trusted entity see the guy dead? I mean really trusted not some officials given the benefit of the doubt. I do not have any special access and was not searching records or even looking for suspicious stories but still within a short period of watching stories of this kind that were selected to be shown on TV to convey good actions of the system to begin with, not how they looked to me, I noticed several suspicious stories that included one about what sounded also like fabricating death of another well connected man and I wrote about it here. I may one day trace my posts here back to it.  It was one of those stories I posted starting from that amazing story about the FBI making a deal with somebody in order to catch a person accused of falsely alleging selling things to Walmart and Costco. 
My knowledge about the story of this guy is at the headline level, at best, but I am amazed at how much a suspicious system like this is blindly trusted. I searched for more details about this death news trying to find what makes me closer to believe it and instead things sounded even more suspicious to me.