Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Such a privilege given to the corruption guy on my privacy, probably should at least have been something one discovers as a scandal for the secret inside working of the FBI and others. But if they publicly act this way, what could be done for this guy inside?
If that entity acts in front of us with this level of corruption is there anyway to have faith in it acting on the hidden things in the back?
Is this the entity that one should look for to protect his rights and stand for him where he himself do not know what is happening to him?
All this public knowledge about the guy's continuous invasion to my privacy on my computer, imagine I were one of those special computer guys doing that the other way around on him, how long do you think the situation would have continued before I get arrested and my computers taken as evidence? If I am lucky I probably would get a warning about it a short period after doing that. But for me to continue doing that like this guy and with this audacity, you may have to upgrade the assumption from even being a computer genius to a real magician capable of doing that from his prison cell.    

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