Wednesday, May 31, 2017


This rat continues not to leave me without messing my things. You turn your head away from one thing, you get another. About a week ago I ordered six rolls of the kind of paper needed for the petition to the court from, apparently another group of corruption mice, a site called I ordered six and my credit card was charged for six but with an unexplainable corruption audacity they delivered me only one. Even if this was a partial delivery, they did not tell me that when I contacted them about the order and gave me the tracking number neither there is anything to indicate that on the package I received. 
With the earlier petition, the UPS guy refused to deliver the papers until I myself went to the UPS center and brought them.   

Writing this made me lose about an hour of time.   

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


continuing from the preceding post:
Electricity was brought back yesterday at about 8 pm adding another sign that the power outage was arranged with this corruption rat, . But then Charter's little mice started their turn in serving the master rat and I did not get to the internet service from them until a few minuets ago.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Continuing from the preceding post
There is even less excuse and the situation looks manufactured and wanted to continue even more than the previous episode. The weather situation lasted only minutes and was not that significant and this day has been good from the beginning but we continue to have no electricity because the electric company is serving its master, the corruption rat. I have never been in power outage that looked as intentional in its continuity, let alone how it started especially with the current one, than it is with those two episodes. Of course later in the news made for the rat there could be, like the previous situation, stories about other places that stayed longer with the power outage as if even if one wants to ignore the special things of this situation, the corruption rat has kept any value to the news media
around us to be trusted after all what he had used it for.


I have been without electricity since 10:30 pm Eastern Time yesterday courtesy of this corruption rat and the mice of the electric company repeating the same game on me they played couple of years ago. I am posting from my cell phone.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Why is it okay for this guy to do all the fraud he does in the market? Would it be strange to see an ordinary person gets prosecuted for even just one of the ordinary fraud actions of this guy? Or is it that the law is only applicable there? In addition to his actions with the trading of stocks, he even creates fake corporations or assign fake leaderships to those he controls pretending being a separate entity while he pulls the strings inside. How is it that all of that is okay? (Also imagine how he tries to pull a fake president for the country while his fake CEO show for the stock I mentioned in the preceding posts about the Ask price being lower than the Bid, has been to me like one of those children shows where you can see the strings moving the dummies, despite how the environment there allows for much stronger isolation).

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Upon reflecting on my situation, I am not sure that being on the other side allows me to throw the responsibility of the actions I see as bad to the system on the side doing those actions without myself being a participant. The integrity of the system should always be at the best it can be and never sacrificed even for one second. Even just reasonably, as much as the reason was the integrity of the system to begin with, what has been happening here does not make sense. Should we just close our eyes now then start over when things are over?  
My desire to show how much I am not affected by what have been going on has led me to be light years away from my natural behaviour here. However, I now realize how I missed seeing that as tolerating what is going on for material benefit could even make more sense as accusation. Therefore I tell all those doing those things to the system that if you think that I am willing to trade-off even a tiny bit of what you are doing for such a gain then you are in different universe from where I am. So if that is out of the picture then why are you doing what you are doing? Shouldn't you at least check to see if it is the only available path first? Why do you let a psycho have his way suggesting to you that somehow you can create a fake behaviour for the system showing corruption while inside he maintains a satisfaction in that the behaviour of the system is the system?
I know that I could have confused things, especially toward the court, speaking from an external point of view without sufficiently emphasizing the internal one but I intend to no longer even blink from seeing myself as part of the system.   

Friday, May 12, 2017


Related to post 139, look how beautiful it is that he continues to show an Ask lower than a Bid price on the streaming quotes. The situation of this country with corruption, if describe sufficiently, can very easily serve as vomiting inducing medicine for so many people living under dictatorships because they cant harness the military power enslaving them.
Like I mentioned before, I have seen this guy manipulate stock volume in fake buying and selling to himself to make a volume of over 30 million shares in the first hour or half of the day for a stock that hardly trades and I wrote about that to that swamp of corruption called the Securities and Exchange Commission and it still went like nothing as did other things I wrote to it (but they were fantastic at revealing my name and email to this guy fast from the first time I trusted them on that in 2006). While that was less probable than what you may see on a Bugs Bunny Cartoon, at least it is theoretically possible. But here how is it even possible to have the Ask stays lower than the Bid price? This like seeing water in the higher place not flowing to the lower place despite not being held by anything. The only thing that could stop the buying where there is an ask lower than the bid would be if the seller attaches an All Or Nothing condition (sell all of the shares or do not sell anything) to his broker and I have done that with my asks to sell shares before and have seen that doing so would prevent the ask I put from being displayed as the Ask even though it was for the lowest price.     

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Every now and then, this corruption rat disables my internet connection then enables it imposing his will and control on when I do not get impeded from doing what I want to do and instead waste my time trying to solve this new situation he imposed on me.  
And with writing just the above he caused me to have 40 minutes of additional wasted time on him and believe it or not he seems to have imposed his will again forcing me to leave posting here temporarily in order to prevent Windows form shutting down my system for an update its time was mysteriously changed from much later I set a little while ago during another interruption for the same update. Even with this Windows update it seems he is involved in using it to frustrate me. Couple of days earlier I opened my computer to do a short task and this same Windows update message came. So I thought it is a good time to proceed with the update now instead of interrupting me later but, again, believe it or not, after I agreed to the update message and even closed for that purpose all open Windows the update did not continue but instead displayed a strange message telling me that they will "take it from here" then went away then came back later and did the interruptions I just mentioned.         

Monday, May 8, 2017


Got enough corruption and this guy treating everything like a joke?
Take a look at this SNAPSHOT here for Scottrade trading platform. Look at how the symbol "CTDH", a stock he is playing, has an "ASK" lower than the "Bid". In case these terms need explanation, the "Bid" is the highest price offered for buying shares of the stock while the "Ask" is the lowest price accepted for selling shares. So you can see that an "Ask" lower than the "Bid" situation is impossible to happen. Yet, this has been shown like this here for days and continues even despite reporting it, which, astonishingly enough, brought out arguments trying to justify seeing such situation as a real occurrence.