Friday, July 17, 2020

274: Corona, Corruption And Conspiracy - 13: Counting In That Elephant In The Room

Up to this point my conspiracy talk here did not extend to the data itself that is related to the death count related to this virus. But now I do not see a trust in any reporting out there that is capable of stopping this question:
How could an infection related disease have that many mortality cases in countries like this while not affecting even close to that many other places where infection has much bigger opportunity to spread? Look at the statistics about other countries. If this virus kills that many here with this level of cleanliness in the public environment and interactions among people, how many it would have killed at places like where I came from and other places that are even not as good as the latter in those qualities? Isn't this a joke? Like how all the consumption here for butter and saturated fat makes sense for things like heart disease and stroke to be more common here, it should be the other way around with infections. Nothing can explain this except a game and conspiracy being played at some selected countries.

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