Tuesday, March 22, 2022

296: The SEC And The IRS

 I just wonder who in this country sat and thought okay we probably have the most significant individual wealth concentration in the world and they control that much of the system so lets assign just minor subsections of the bigger system which itself they control to account for those guys in the two things that give them their power, financial securities and money? Oh, and then lets also leave them ridiculously unwatched? 

Although beyond how I think the corruption guy made it seem behaving sarcastically and less professional toward me in some of the letters I received from it more than a decade ago, I still do not have things on the IRS like I have on the SEC. Actually, even without any oversight effort the case of Madoff should have been by itself an unforgettable eye opener about the corruption in this entity even for those who did not have my experience with it. But heads were, probably in a big part also because of corruption, turned away from that sight.

Hey corruption guy, are you enjoying illegally borrowing my shares and selling them to others? Any law or regulation in the market not a joke to you?

By the way, I remember about the second stock which I mentioned in POST 295   of this blog how when I was trying to buy it sometimes this corruption guy stops my order from execution for no apparent reason even though my bid satisfies  the ask.         

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