Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I submitted a complaint to the postal service regarding what I mentioned in POST 61. What was their reaction? Nothing except for requesting in their emails to communicate through the phone despite not explaining why that medium is needed or stating anything that could suggest such use would make a difference.
It sounded more like following the advice of this corruption guy to replay that trick when they sent me what sounded like a childish request for my phone number again after I told them that they can tell me whatever they want on email. I also pointed out that I myself haven't done anything to speak about except being selected by the mail carrier to be refused the service.
I had the food stayed on top of my mail box until I brought it back home after 8 pm on that day, in a bag they themselves delivered to me for that purpose, and they think it would go like that?   
By the way, the selection of the communication or response medium was in the complaint itself and I selected Email.


As an example of how corruption could find its way, I once checked on one of those judges who behaved badly in my case and found that judge was recommended to the president for nomination by a veteran who lost most of his limbs in battles. So if recognizing Sanders is difficult for you then good luck with the like of that.
Actually, at the level of making and insisting on claims like those which came from Sanders regarding funding his campaign, failing to figure out someone feels like lowering for the world itself. Those were not slips of tongue or occasional misbehaviour. Those were part of a position intentionally and continuously maintained. You could hardly get a clearer sign in life.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Another sample of how I live far from a free freeman should be let to live, yesterday I experienced what was very probably, as usual, the work of the corruption guy in cutting me from the internet service until he decided to connect me back.  

Monday, May 23, 2016


Sorry boss of the corruption guy, your overestimation for the power it had in making that very doubtful claim probably cost you a corruption sleeper cell you have been keeping clean and away from suspicion for years. However, I personally did not really need that and already internally found it hard to give your guy more than the lowest score in morality based merely on his talking.


Even that grievance for Sanders made on the NBC's Saturday Night show was a fraudulent one. His rival did not get a single voting based delegate, where Sanders is still trailing her, more than she earned in that state. The allegation counted in superdelegates, who are neither based on voting nor bound to any commitment they make. 
It just doesn't feel good letting someone pass with a fraudulent grievance in front of everybody.  


If Sanders become the democratic nominee we could all enjoy watching a good pillow fight with Trump to decide  the presidency.  


continuing from post 68
Despite calling this President as corrupt, one may need to be careful not to confuse those who choose to act corruptly in some specific things from those who are more like agents or extensions to the corruption guy (including his boss of course).


Searching for a president? Those in the government who resisted and were not taken by the corruption guy should get credit for that. Tests like what happened in my case should not be ignored. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016


I repeat again, I refuse to exist having no boundary against this guy. This is nothing more than a new form of slavery. The invasion to my privacy is a public knowledge and nobody cares. Does it look like to anyone that the FBI is holding this corruption guy accountable for his actions anywhere like the ordinary person? They are not even stopping him from continuing his actions let alone holding him responsible for what he did. Is it any wonder all the arbitration clauses you see? Because for the like of this guy it is known that if you just pass the civil entity itself you get the whole field open for you with hardly any questioning to what you do.   

Friday, May 20, 2016


Does that guy realize how desperate his use of the word "crooked" against that other candidate looks like?
Speaking about corrupt liars, even though this President will go, are we supposed to continue with this FBI director?


I just want to ask supporters of Sanders this. Do you believe that he has been funding his campaign through the small donations from ordinary people as he alleged? If you don't then think what does that imply on the charachter of the person who falsely alleges such thing for himself and receives the advantage it gives him over his rivals? How about when he himself brings that contrast to mind when he uses pointing out things like the paid speeches against another candidate? How could such a fraudulent behaviour passes as OK thing?
Although thinking otherwise sounds like a joke, remember suspicion in things like these may not need to reach the level of certainty required to make judgment on the person because that is not the main objective when trying to make the best choice.
Six years ago, in reaction to what this corruption guy was doing, I talked about those whom I called deceptive psychotics (although there is much redundancy in that than meets the eye) and how much they depend on character deception and the magnitude of how convincing their character assumption. Even if I were to bring an example for that it would have been more like something the reader would look at externally. This situation on the other hand makes people live seeing how a character could be convincing to make some ignore the facts to this level. However, one may need to be careful that he still may not have seen much of this kind of convincing yet.  

Thursday, May 19, 2016


If you wonder what to make of that Trump's telephone call story it is not hard to see it in light of his previous activities serving the corruption guy here. Most probably it was him who revealed that tape intentionally trying to claim fraudulent activity on himself to defend Sanders. He is acting as if he thinks he is so immune that instead of being affected by something like this the view to the thing itself and its kind would become less bad. He is probably lying in denying himself intentionally trying to make things worse.
Much of the character issue implied in the story of the tape itself depends on the kind of relationship he had with the other side but this adds other dimension to it regardless .
His contradiction to himself about seeking funds to support his campaign is probably at least partly for the same purpose.
Also, the story about Sanders supporters and their reaction in a democratic party event and  the death threats they supposedly sent seems to show intentional creation of something at least partly to suggest violent nature in his supporters to counter the claim that Trumps accusation to them was intended to help cover the connection between him and Sanders.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


continuing from the post below
Also with the level of corruption he has been pulling in order to deal with the consequences of his earlier corruption, one cannot escape the question of aiming to defeat the purpose. It fits with what I talked about elsewhere that with characters of this type you may never know who is the real target.


Do you see through all the fighting he has been doing how the corruption guy cares for what affect him here compared to how easily and carelessly he pulls his corruption and degrades the system?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


continuing from the preceding post
And if what Trump said there was another service from him for the corruption guy and his boss, like other things he has been doing, it is an easier path for showing his corruption.


I don't know if I paid attention to it earlier, but watching Trump speaks about how another person was bought by Goldman Sachs made me feel somewhat baffled about the level of double standard that guy is allowed to get away with. Somebody takes a loan and therefore becomes owned because of that while he still should be considered a free man despite a show given to him where he for years appeared sitting like a king with aids on both of his sides and fire from among those sitting awaiting his judgment, not to mention his business connections and affiliations especially in the most suspicious land for corruption, New York. Even the pretending of NBC to sever connection with him did not last a modest amount of time. He could be seeing himself as an unquestionable fact of life, but it maybe unavoidable to the ordinary person to wonder about why this guy has been given all that media support as if he is the only billionaire in the country. If it is a question of money, do an internet search and see if you can find this guy listed even within the top 30 richest people in this country. Yet he is the one appearing like the one and only.        

Monday, May 16, 2016


Although it may not reach the level of interfering with the work of a court, this new mail thing this corruption guy had pulled recently also makes one wonder about the level of corruption that makes people put following him above the law and their duties that easily. You know those plastic bags with mail permit number where you can put none perishable food then leave them outside to be picked and delivered by the mail. I received one of them in the mail so I went out and bought a number of instances for two items to fill the bag with for the specified date. It clearly was not something unnoticeable to the corruption guy who could have at least known that from my credit card transactions. So what could he have done to that? The mail carrier for no reason made me the special exception to her duty on that date. She refused to pickup the bag and did that in front of my surveillance cameras. She did not even deliver mail or come close to mail boxes on my house side of the road on that date. Instead she chose to drive forward then back on the side away from my mail box on the road.        

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


I wonder if it was noticed how the news about the FBI catching someone with intention to attack a synagogue was timed close to the Indiana democrat's Primary election. It suggests an attempt to help Sanders using his Jewish identity
I actually wanted to say the same about the news of that bus thing that seemed artificially made and stunt like as in a movie, in Israel which was timed for the earlier primary before this one added support for the same thing.
According to the news itself, the arrest happened as a result of having the offer made by the undercover FBI agent to the guy to make that attack accepted instead of the later initiating things himself. That shows an admission from the FBI about how much the choice of time came from it. What also adds to the question of timing having that entity says the public was never in danger.
Also, the connection to Israel mentioned above was itself preceded by other connections related to which I also wanted to mention earlier how they show the Israeli Prime Minister working for the boss of the corruption guy here to the level of executing a policy for that purpose that led to blood shed from both sides there. And by the way, I doubt that Trump's talk about closing mosques here was just something he took from the news instead of him being in the depth about what was going on and how things were pulled from here to happen there.
With or without that Trump thing, the things can easily fit to connect for the corruption guy and his boss and how for his service Jewish related things are being used.
So how much there is a probability that all those are just volunteering their help to Sanders and he is not part of the group?Even if we add to that his claim of how much his campaign runs on funding from regular people?
Yet he is the one who kept throwing stones on that other democratic candidate for taking money to do speeches.
I think that some may falsely believe that they can corruptly define corruption and control seeing it.
And of course, adding Trump to the picture helps to support the picture even more with things like what I mentioned in earlier posts and Trump's claim that those who were disturbing his gatherings were Sander's supporters later.
Anyway, if there was made an exception about the corruption of the FBI with things related to me and my situation with this corruption guy, here is some external material suggesting it trying to manipulate the public for that same guy and his boss.  


Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Imagine always living with this guy here may anytime enjoy exerting a power over you or controlling you by interfering with your things. Yesterday, for example, he apparently decided to stop my Bank of America credit card twice. And while this one happened at home, he used to do this same disturbing thing while I am in a distant city (Speaking about Bank of America it appears that they also abandoned Emails and any similar message sending thing for this guy who pushed for this behaviour after his story here).
You cant go anywhere without his connections following you. At the beginning of this month I had a dentist appointment and dreamed that he would not contact that dentist and mess up my things. Unfortunately, it was just that, a dream. The Hygienist appeared less interested in doing her job after not succeeding with something else related to this guy and now I have to wait for a good cleaning session because this was counted as one.