Thursday, May 19, 2016


If you wonder what to make of that Trump's telephone call story it is not hard to see it in light of his previous activities serving the corruption guy here. Most probably it was him who revealed that tape intentionally trying to claim fraudulent activity on himself to defend Sanders. He is acting as if he thinks he is so immune that instead of being affected by something like this the view to the thing itself and its kind would become less bad. He is probably lying in denying himself intentionally trying to make things worse.
Much of the character issue implied in the story of the tape itself depends on the kind of relationship he had with the other side but this adds other dimension to it regardless .
His contradiction to himself about seeking funds to support his campaign is probably at least partly for the same purpose.
Also, the story about Sanders supporters and their reaction in a democratic party event and  the death threats they supposedly sent seems to show intentional creation of something at least partly to suggest violent nature in his supporters to counter the claim that Trumps accusation to them was intended to help cover the connection between him and Sanders.

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