Saturday, April 28, 2018


I was going back to my garage to add gas and continue mowing my backyard when I found a snake about 4 feet in length and thickness of about 1/2 to 3/4 inch, inches away from my garage opining. It seems like it was put there by one of the neighbors and probably for this corruption guy using accommodation from a new neighbor that is more dedicated and/or put there for the service of this guy. From the timing (at the moment I was coming back to my garage) and the location (the body of the snake had just or not yet been totally on the paved path from the side of that relatively new neighbor) and the body position of the animal, things fit good with that it was thrown from the side of that new neighbor there just while I am about to return. That is also a good way to avoid a security camera I have in front of my garage. I have other things fitting the big picture that that snake did not come by itself but was thrown there. 

I called the cops on that neighbor whom I think controls the snake and now I want to talk about my experience with cops here in general.
One time in Knoxville, the big city near this one (Lenoir City), I called the cops complaining about a neighbor who repeatedly crosses into the yard of the house where I was living to pull down the trashcan and they argued back against me that I did not have a "no trespass" sign, despite the action I just described. 
Here, one time I called them about how an adjacent neighbor guy parks his car on my side intentionally trying to agitate me despite that there is an ample space on the portion of the street in front of his own home and I got informed that I do not own the street. Later that cop came back to tell me or argue against me using the excuse given to him by that guy which was that he parks on my side in order to avoid his car getting accidentally hit by one of the neighbors across without any support for that claim. The situation ended with this cop threatening or warning me that if something, which I did not hear correctly what, happens again "we gonna have a problem" (or something like that). I have this bad habit of nodding my head without noticing even though I did not understand what was said but that was probably for accusing him of being biased (This story continues but the most interesting part of it was other cops laughing when showing them pictures of other cars that came to park on the side of my home supporting that guy after recognizing that one of those cars belongs to another cop the know).
This time, the first cop who came asked me if I have a proof or I saw that neighbor throwing or putting the snake in my yard and I said no. He then said that he by himself or with the other cop who came by another car probably less than a minute later, will go to ask that neighbor and if that neighbor admits the guilt then it is a crime. After they came back, the second cop came first to me and informed me that that neighbor did not admit throwing any snake. However, despite how I did not show any insistence on them to act for my side without proof or even argue back against the denial of that neighbor, this second cop on his own volunteered telling me that even if they threw a snake into my yard it is not a crime. Then the first cop came back to support this second one as if he himself did not say what he said a few minuets ago, let alone how it can directly be seen wrong. We are not yet dealing with a court and still at the level of cops dealing with the matter and he argued the question of intention and suggested a scenario of someone finding a snake on the street and throwing it away to my yard.

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