Thursday, April 2, 2020

258 Charter Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again Charter cut my internet connection and this time I am using it for trade stocks and cannot afford one minute of losing connection not hours like here until this corruption guy allowed me to connect. Again, does not being selectively targeted like this deserve prosecution by the government?
Charter keeps repeating this again and again and again. I never known something similar happening even once for someone else but it is a common occurrence to me. Why is it okay for this to happen to me? Why no body care to prosecute? Because it is not important? Okay you may not be interested in teaching corruption like this a lesson but do not you at least care that I should get internet service like other people? So when will you prosecute or at least tell an entity like this not to do such corrupt things or it will be prosecuted?   
When will you do that? If I go with another internet provider but this corruption guy make them do the same thing, would you prosecute then? Lets see. 
Not only I lost or missed in the market whatever I missed or lost because of this internet cut but it is now hard for me to focus on the work because of being frustrated and feeling like enslaved.

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