Friday, April 3, 2020

259: Corona, Corruption And Conspiracy

With regard to the direct intentional level, initially I thought about only what seems to be an attempt to manipulate people with this  corona virus thing through interpretation. But now I feel like seeing that being done at the presentation level and a wide conspiracy. I clearly got enough of that kind and do not need any addition but lets take some steps back and look at our situation with this corona virus thing. Although I did that before, I want to start here with questioning the wisdom of the stay at home advice. Why is staying home the better alternative for protection from this virus? If someone has the virus, would not the probability increase to give it to related people if they all stay home? People get physically close to those related to them much more than they do that with strangers. And regardless of which approach to protection from this virus is better, don't they all share the purpose of preventing people from unnecessarily getting close to other people as practically as possible? So why should the advice here be given at this implementation level?
I started to suspect a no good intention at the root of this talk about staying home when I connected it to how when I searched the internet I could not find any statistic about how many of the number of total cases were infections among relatives or people at the same residence. Actually that connection was preceded by connecting this inability to find that statistic with a CNN news story about how a 38 years old man died from this virus without having pre-existing conditions because in that same story they mentioned that the wife also tested positive for the virus while the daughter still waiting for the test result. Speaking about sample stories, another one came today also from CNN about 70 college students who went to mexico for spring break and how 40 of them returned with corona virus infection. But if statistics have or presented more with that lacking mentioned above, how much one can depend on cases brought as samples here? 
Then look at how when you search for example Google for "coronavirus" you get a statistic on the side from wikipedia
that include only total cases, deaths and "recovered". How often you find news conveyed in the media in this manner. One often finds news stating that for example three people injured in car accident and were taken to hospital and two of them at serious condition. So how about a flu like situation being expressed not in terms of who is in serious condition but in terms of  who " recovered"? Some times one restore normal health after an intense sickness flu but there would still be something like for example a cough that keeps lingering for weeks. On the other hand This site list 95 percent of cases as mild for this corona virus. And in addition look at what This site reports about the common flu that "This season CDC estimates that, as of mid-March, between 29,000 and 59,000 have died due to influenza illnesses". 
All of this suggests intentional effort to install fear  and see this corona virus thing as much bigger than its real size. It seems to be a large scale conspiracy. Thanks to what happen to my own personal situation with another thing, I learned to disregard or consider for the opposite direction, the role of the media to be honest and state the real facts, enough to have no problem in seeing this at this scale. But of course, there could be people unknowingly participating everywhere. 
What could be the reason for such conspiracy. I think it is to negatively affect the financial market in order to gain better ownership of stocks after the economy improved and the stock market moved like this. The DOW moved from less than 9000 in 2009 to over 29500 in February this year. It seems that the economy was so good that big financial guys became in sever need for something to scare people away from the market so they decided to make the best use of this corona virus thing by presenting it as discussed above. Actually, what I mentioned here was preceded by signs I noticed within the financial market itself.    

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